Lan Yu (film)

Lan Yu Chinese pinyin Ln Y is a gaythemed Hong KongChinese film, set in Beijing in China, by Hong Kong director Stanley Kwan in 2001, and features fullfrontal male nudity.

In the movie, Lan Yu Ln Y, played by Liu Ye, a poor architecture student from northern China desperately needed money. According to the novel, he was aboutoryears old and a virgin. It is the late 1980s. Meeting an acquaintance, Li Zheng Li Huatong, who suggested to Lan Yu that the youth turn to prostitution, supposedly for one night only, to remedy his financial situation. Naively, Lan Yu agreed. That night, he arrived at Lis bar and pool hall to meet his John. While there, Li introduced him to a successful businessman and international trader named Chen Handong Hu Jun. Li is also Chen Handongs lieutenant and one of the few people knowing of his sexual inclination. Lan Yu is evidently smitten for he left with the older man rather than the man he was to meet. The night they spent together was not only a sexual, but also an emotional awakening, for the boy. While Lan Yu immediately fell in love with Chen Handong, the older man, who was very closeted, wanted no emotional relationship, only sex. He tried his best to avoid any attachment whatsoever with the youth, instead he showered Lan Yu with money and expensive gifts. His efforts to turn Lan Yus love for him into a dependent, loveless relationship failed until Lan Yu discovered Chen in the middle of the seduction of a young college athlete. Crushed, Lan Yu left Chens apartment. They would not meet again untilJune 1989, when Chen went looking for Lan Yu, fearing for the youths safety amid the armys Tiananmen Square crackdown. Finding Lan Yu dishevelled and distraught, the incident reunited the two and opened a new chapter in their relationship.Although Chen Handong still could not commit totally to Lan Yu, he now gave the youth time and attention as well as money, a car, and an expensive villa in the Beijing suburbs. None of the material things were what Lan Yu really wanted although he now accepted them. Chen now lived, somewhat surreptitiously, with Lan Yu and that was all that mattered to the latter.

Source: Wikipedia